How Leadership Training Helps You Grow Both Professionally and Personally

 In Business, Communication, DiSC®, Human Resources, Leadership, Real Estate, Workshops

Leadership training is not expected to solely impact the workplace; it is designed to influence all sectors of an individual’s work. The term work often refers to a job or career path, but that is not 100 percent accurate. As a human being, our everyday roles are constantly changing at the office and when we leave it. Whether someone is a parent, mentor, child, director, aunt, manager, uncle, or C-level executive, each role requires work to do the best job possible and be the best candidate for the role.

In this article, we will discuss the benefits of leadership training and why professional development is important.

Why Is Professional Development Important?

Professional development is defined by University of California San Francisco as the process of identifying goals and learning new skills to help you grow and succeed at work. Oftentimes companies will offer leadership seminars related to professional development to give employees the opportunity to gain new knowledge and use what they have learned to further their career. It provides an opportunity to professionally expand your knowledge and learn how to apply your skills to advance in your career while benefiting the overall organization. Proper professional development seminars and workshops will result in all participants leaving feeling more credible in their role and confident in their capabilities.

Early Career Leadership Programs

Leadership programs tailored for those in their early career are often cohort-based professional development programs to prepare young professionals to chase after opportunities that will accelerate their professional growth.

According to Ariel, these are three things to keep in mind when coaching early career professionals into future leadership roles:

  1. Understand unique personal presence and how to use it strategically
  2. Writing time saving, strategic business messages
  3. Using stories to find unique self-value and build relationships

Leadership programs for those in early career tend to focus on the encouragement of self investment and the importance of continuing with professional development. With the right development training, all dedicated professionals can become successful leaders.

Mid-Career Leadership Training 

In a recent article, we discussed the importance of leadership development. Leadership programs are brought into companies to increase employee engagement, reduce turnover rates, raise employee satisfaction, reduce onboarding cost, improve employer/employee communication, and create confidence within the organization, all of which are important for leadership training for mid-career level employees.

Stuart Taylor, CEO of Britain’s GMG Radio, explains what he believes is the issue (and solution) with regards to leadership and mid-career employees, in an interview with Wharton University of Pennsylvania. He defines the issue as mid-career level employees not having the time to step back and examine their professional position at a big-picture level. They lack the necessary time to assess their leadership skills and current knowledge base, finding gaps in their work and where they need to improve their skills to better their role within the organization.

Taylor’s solution enforces the importance of leadership training both professionally and personally. Companies that provide executive education programs create a space for employees to take the time and gain new knowledge, self-reflect, and discover new ideas that are only achievable through taking the time to revitalize old methods.

Best Leadership Training Seminars

The information above may have you thinking, “Where can I find the absolute best leadership training seminars for myself and my team?” Yet, there is no exact answer to that. With leadership training, you get from it what you put in. If you take the time to listen to the tips being coached to you and then self-reflect and apply these tips to your day-to-day, you would be surprised how valuable small changes in professional development can be. However, the bottom line comes down to this: You know a leadership training seminar has been beneficial to you, if you walk out of the seminar asking yourself, “How can I take this information and apply it to my everyday life, not just the workplace.”

Establish a Personal and Professional Development Plan

The first step in personal and professional development is setting your goals, both personally and professionally, but separately. Then review those goals. You will be surprised with how your personal goals and professional development goals connect. Once these goals are established, you can begin to brainstorm the steps you need to take to achieve them. Each goal has a path to completion and that path is your personal development plan and your professional development plan.

Grow Professionally and Personally with Roos Advisors

Roos Advisors is committed to helping you scale your operational team. Our certified professionals use experiential evaluation and learning to help teams work more effectively by developing the core fundamentals of trust, commitment, accountability, productive conflict resolution, and results-driven goal-setting.

We help business owners reclaim their sense of direction and quality of life by growing their dream business and providing practical, actionable solutions. Let’s kickstart your journey to personal and professional excellence. Contact us today to schedule a free 15-minute virtual consultation to see if we are your business’ solution.

Contact us today to schedule a free 15-minute virtual consultation to see if we are the solution you have been looking for.

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