How Smart Leaders Create A Culture of Winning at Work

 In Business, Communication, DiSC®, Human Resources, Leadership, Sales

“The effective leader recognizes that they are more dependent on their people than they are on them. Walk softly.” These words were ushered by none other than American-Canadian motivational speaker Brian Tracy.

Most of us can think back and quickly identify at least one of our favorite former bosses. Certainly, they stand out just as much, if not more than the ones we’d like to forget. But what sets them apart? What specific qualities would you use to describe the perfect boss?

How do we define leadership?

Leadership is a one-to-many relationship, as opposed to the one-to-one relationship of management. There are many skills required to accomplish company goals. So, how can a leader effectively lead individuals with different personalities to affect positive, dynamic growth and efficiency? 

Having studied academically and experientially the dynamics of teams over the last 30 years, I have joined the ranks of many other leaders who understand that it is not a personality that ultimately determines the success of teams, but rather the knowledge and commitment of the individuals.

We use DiSC® Work of Leaders internally at Roos Advisors, and the consultancy and coaching we provide lay the foundation for all teamwork initiatives. As strategic, certified partners for all things DiSC®, we are able to provide simple yet compelling processes that help teams get real, measurable results, combining three simple steps to achieve positive outcomes. Let’s see what they are.

The 3 important qualities of a smart leader

Being a successful leader takes effective communication skills, there’s no way around it. The ability to communicate efficiently is powerful and should flow smoothly, just like building blocks. Here are the 3 steps every person should follow to become a successful leader:

    1. Vision

DiSC® Work of Leaders guides teams to craft a vision of new possibilities for the future through exploration, boldness, and testing assumptions. Vision provides purpose and drives the development of specific goals, while unifying your teams. However, many organizational leaders who are great at ideating make a fundamental mistake: they have an idea and then go directly to execution. Creating a vision correctly will minimize missteps and false starts by allowing everyone on the team to contribute and expand it.

    2. Alignment

Working together as leaders guides teams to build strong alignments by brainstorming ideas and then communicating them with clarity. Encouraging open, honest dialogue provides an environment of trust, as well as a forum to present concerns and expanded possibilities. This step is not just about buy-in: it lays the important foundation of commitment, as well. Once everyone is aligned, commitment is the standard by which everyone on the team will show up every day to every assignment. In our organization, we call this being fully vested.

    3. Execution

Execution is turning the imagined future into reality. Leaders are committed to champion execution by committing to a process and giving feedback. This empowers individuals to capitalize on their talents while “flexing” into areas that may not be as comfortable, but still necessary. We call this “inspired forward motion.” The role of the leader at every level is to ensure the strategies and people are in place for the vision to become a reality. 

The top 5 characteristics of a smart leader

The most important characteristic for a leader is to bring your organization openness. The following list are examples of behaviors that characterize an open, committed leader.

A leader should:

  1. Be proactive and thank people for their feedback;
  2. Ensure that their body language and tone of voice reflect their receptivity;
  3. Avoid dismissing the opinions of others;
  4. Allow ample time for brainstorming;
  5. Commit all action steps in writing.


As a leader, let creativity and inspiration be your guide. Make space in your schedule to rise above the day-to-day tasks, including team meetings, to open yourself up and let your mind explore possibilities. We believe that mediation is the best tool for practicing the art of “allowing.” We teach workshops around this, as well. Continuing to perfect your leadership is a rewarding journey. Have fun in the process, lighten up, and enjoy your work! 

If you have any questions about smart leadership, or you wish to embark on a journey to become the best leader in your company, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We are a team of highly trained professionals that can help you on your executive leadership journey and transform your career with strategies that actually work.

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