Marketing, Sales & Operations

Marketing, Sales & Operations


At Roos Advisors, we believe that marketing, sales and operations are inextricably connected. Our assessments help identify your organizations ideal client; create branding, marketing, and advertising strategies; and ensure that operations are equipped to deliver on your brand promise. In a world that believes there is too much competition, the way to stand out is through being expert, authentic and persistent.

We work with your teams to ensure every team member from the client prospect, client acquisition, and client services team is aligned. We strategize with you toward practical solutions for excellent customer experiences. We provide practical solutions that help empower your teams to step into their highest talents. We integrate sales, marketing, and operational systems to increase revenues and reduce expenses.

“We can’t want more for you than you want for yourself, but we hope you allow us to walk with you and find a way for your teams to thrive.”

Larendee Roos

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